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News, seed storage, seed vault -

The Svalbard Seed vault: A genetic repository for humankind, looking towards an uncertain future. Project started in 1984. What is the Svalbard Seed vault? It is a hardened storage facility located offshore Norway in a remote island chain known as Svalbard. (78.235867°N 15.491374°E) This is a special facility for storing rare and important varieties of seed from around the world.  Any country is allowed to deposit seeds into the vault and retain the rights to withdraw them at a later date. A link to the project website: Saving seeds helps to prevent the extinction of these species. With a repository of...

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BFCM-2019 -

Hello readers of the Tree Seeds blog, As an exclusively online retailer we'd like to offer our valued customers a discount in line with the theme of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The promotion is active from Friday to Monday. Use discount code: "BFCM-19" at checkout to save a little money. We hope this helps with any holiday seed shopping you might be doing! Take care, -Team Tree Seeds

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koyama, spruce, tree seeds -

We have just restocked our sought after Koyama's spruce (Picea Koyamae) - available for purchase in 20 seed packets. This critically endangered species is now only found in select parts of Japan, with a few other trees scattered around the world. The population is declining in it's native region due to typhoons, and fewer than 1000 remain. Limited quantities are available in our seed store! Koyama Spruce    

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catnip, heirloom, lavender, new products -

We have 2 new products available - Heirloom catnip and lavender! Catnip is easy to grow both indoors and outdoors, and contains a feline attractant named nepetalactone. It is common for cats to roll on the ground, lick, paw, and consume the plant once it has been detected. Cats seem to display a euphoric reaction, and eating too much of the plant will cause drowsiness. It has other uses as well - catnip is actually an insect repellant which will deter both flies and mosquitoes. Humans can also enjoy the effect, though it is not as acute. Catnip can be harvested and...

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Customer service announcement, new products, News -

We're always looking for new ways to communicate with our customers. We want to hear about what you've been growing as well as the types of seeds that you're having trouble finding. We are always interested to hear your germination results and welcome your feedback. Are there any growing accessories you would like to see carried in stock? We example we have new peat moss pellets available to help with germinating your seedlings. As a reminder we and handle all business communications via e-mail. You can reach us at at any time.  We've recently made improvements to our...

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