New exotic tree seeds in stock!
We are pleased to offer an expanded selection of rare and exotic conifers. Check out these lesser-known pine species that we have recently acquired.
Mexican white pine (Pinus ayacahuite)
A cold-hardy conifer that originates from southern Mexico. Its attractive blue-green foliage makes it a great addition to any landscape.
Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana)
This five-needle pine is a great choice for a Mediterranean style garden. It grows in dry and sandy soils, requiring minimal annual rainfall. Its interesting shape and form makes a good specimen piece.
Gray pine (Pinus sabiniana)
A hardy tree native to California, its large edible seeds make it a productive tree to plant on any warm sunny site that has a warmer climate.
Maxipinyon pine (Pinus maximartinezii)
An extremely rare species of pine native to Mexico. Known for the largest pine seeds of any species. Limited quantity available only!
We hope you check back frequently for new additions to our constantly-evolving seed store.