Controlling unwanted guests in your garden
A hungry rabbit, looking for his next vegetable meal.
Often times we can find gardening to be a bit frustrating when we see the effects of pest damage on our plants. Although usually not destructive to a healthy plant, too many insects can overwhelm the defenses of any garden.
However we should resist the temptation to reach for toxic pesticides and herbicides to control the situation. The natural alternatives can be inexpensive, easy to apply and healthier for the environment and your family. Here's one idea you can try this summer season:
All-purpose garlic-chili oil spray
Combine 1-2 tablespoons of biodegradable liquid soap, 1 liter of water and a couple drops of lemon or orange essential oil. Add 1 tablespoon of chili powder from fresh dried peppers, and 5 cloves of garlic crushed finely. Mix well and let to sit overnight. Pour into a spray bottle and keeps for several weeks. Chili peppers and garlic are effective against Japanese beetles, slugs and borers, whereas garlic also can deter larger pests such as rabbits or deer.
Good luck in your garden for these last days of the season, when harvest is around the corner and you want to protect the fruits of your labours!