Tree seed - American Beech

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  • Regular price $9.00

(Fagus grandifolia)

American beech is a large deciduous tree native to the eastern parts of Canada and United States. Known for its smooth grey bark popular for carving messages in, it grows up to 35m tall in good conditions. Leaves are dark green, 4-7cm long, serrated and lighter on the underside. The tree produces small triangular nuts, approximately 1cm long in the fall season. Beech nuts are important as a food source for wildlife. The leaves turn from green to yellow and orange-brown in the autumn offering a pleasant display. As well, American beech trees can propagate via root shoots, and often small shrub-like trees will begin growing around mature specimens. It is a shade-tolerant tree and often associated with sugar maple in mature deciduous forests. 

Packet contains at least 25 seeds.

Germination: Soak in water for 24 hours. Cold stratify for 90 days. Plant 1-2cm deep in moist potting soil. 

Approximately 8.5g / 25 seeds