Tree seed - American sycamore

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  • Regular price $6.00

(Platanus occidentalis)

American sycamore is native to Southern Ontario in the warmer parts of the Carolinian forest zone where deciduous species of tree dominate.  Known for its scaly distinctly-patterned bark and quick growth habit, it can quickly become one of the largest trees in good conditions. It grows up to 35m tall and is tolerant of clay soils, thriving best in riparian zones and floodplains. It has large green maple-like leaves with 3-5 lobes, coarsely toothed. The fruits are spherical, containing many seeds and often persist on the tree late into the winter season. 

Germination: Soak in water for 24 hours, cold stratify for 90 days and then sow 1-2cm deep in a moist soil bed.

Packet contains at least 100 seeds.